Pencil Bundle
Pencil Bundle
Rock Paper Scissors Bundles: Our favorite picks of the moment! We created these bundles (cards, pencils, pens… more to come) with our wonderfully diverse customers in mind. We love to make recommendations, custom curations and learn just what folks are looking for—Erika always has a trick up her sleeve.
Description: Those who love pencils LOVE pencils, enough said. But, we’ll go on to say that we have chosen a nice assortment here for a variety of uses. If you know about pencils then know that what you might use for one task doesn’t necessarily work for the next task and so with this bundle, you’ll have it all covered.
Details: this bundle includes 5 pencils: Tombow Mono F / Mitsubishi HB / MD Midori B / Caran D’Ache Woodless 3B / Blackwing 602 Firm, all come unsharpened except for the Caran D’Ache
A Note From Erika: These are my favorite picks from the stash at the register.